“FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector / “FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector – Pregnancy Baby Protection
Designed with various worry-free features for you and your family, to embrace the unknown future with confidence and enjoy a fulfilling life.
Up to 100 years old / 99 years old (applicable to the Pregnancy Baby Protection) of the insured
Issue age
Aged 15 days - 65 years old (Depends On Premium Period)
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- Full coverage against up to 198 illnesses3 (enhancing coverage against unknown and rare diseases)
- Intensive Care Unit Confinement Protection
- Protection against the condition of “Loss of Functionality of Key Organs"3
- Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan Insure your child as early as 18 weeks of gestation
- Reset up to 100% of the sum insured after claims and get back up to maximum 100% of the sum insured protection10
Product Feature
Full coverage against up to 198 illnesses3 (enhancing coverage against unknown and rare diseases)
Full coverage against up to 198 illnesses3 (enhancing coverage against unknown and rare diseases)
In addition to coverage for common illnesses, surgeries, and Severe Urban Diseases such as Cancer, Stroke, or Severe Heart Attack, the Plan also extends coverage to 198 illnesses of varying severity3, enhancing protection against unknown, rare and Juvenile Illnesses, offering greater peace of mind for you and your child's future. All covered illnesses are classified into Severity Levels 1, 2 and 3 (with Severity Level 3 being the most severe group) and Juvenile Illnesses. If the Insured is unfortunately diagnosed with any of the covered Critical Illnesses or Juvenile Illnesses, a Living Benefit3,10,11,12,13,14 amounting to 20%, 50% and 100% of the respective sum insured will be paid in a lump sum to support the medical fees and living expenses.
Type of illness | Number of illnesses covered |
Living Benefit (% of the sum insured) 3,10,11,12,13,14 |
Juvenile Illnesses | 25 | 20% |
Severity Level 1 Critical Illnesses |
87 | 20% |
Severity Level 2 |
15 | 50% |
Severity Level 3 |
71 | 100% |
Intensive Care Unit Confinement Protection
Intensive Care Unit Confinement Protection
Confinement in Intensive Care Unit could be necessary for the Insured due to different severe illnesses and unknown diseases. The Plan specifically provides a Living Benefit3,10,11,12,14 of up to 100% of the sum insured for Intensive Care Unit Confinement of 3 days or more (Severity Level 1 Critical Illnesses) and Intensive Care Unit Confinement of 5 days or more with Surgery (Severity Level 3 Critical Illnesses). Please refer to the At-a-Glance Table of Product Brochure for details of the coverage for Intensive Care Unit Confinement Benefit.
Protection against the condition of “Loss of Functionality of Key Organs”3
Protection against the condition of “Loss of Functionality of Key Organs”3
The Plan offers coverage against the “Loss of Functionality of Key Organs” 3. If the Insured is diagnosed by relevant Specialists with designated conditions of heart, lung, liver or kidney which last for at least 3 consecutive months, the Policy Owner can obtain a Living Benefit of 20% of the sum insured3,10,11,12,14 in advance even if the cause of the illness cannot be ascertained or the illness is unknown. Please refer to the At-a-Glance Table of Product Brochure for details of the designated conditions.
Providing multiple claims for Carcinoma In Situ of all organs3,10,11,12,14 and Angioplasty3,10,11,12,13,14
Providing multiple claims for Carcinoma In Situ of all organs3,10,11,12,14 and Angioplasty3,10,11,12,13,14
The Plan provides up to 2 times of claims for Carcinoma In Situ occurring in two different organs3,10,11,12,14 and Angioplasty3,10,11,12,13,14 respectively. Each Living Benefit can be advanced up to 20% of the sum insured3,10,11,12,14. This allows you to receive early treatment in less severe conditions and prevent the progression of the disease.
Reset up to 100% of the sum insured after claims and get back up to maximum 100% of the sum insured protection10
Reset up to 100% of the sum insured after claims and get back up to maximum 100% of the sum insured protection10
This Plan includes a Protection Reset Benefit10, which ensures that future Critical Illness protection will not be reduced due to previous claims. Even if Living Benefit claims for Severity Level 1 and 2 Critical Illness and /or Juvenile Illness3,10,11,12,13,14 have been paid or payable, one year after the diagnosis and before the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 70, the protection can be reset to maximum of 100% of the sum insured10 in the event the Insured unfortunately passes away or being diagnosed with a Severity Level 3 Critical Illness.
Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases 4,12,14 + Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases5,12,14
Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases 4,12,14 + Unlimited Top-up
Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases5,12,14
With the medical advancements nowadays, the survival rate of Critical Illnesses after treatment has significantly improved. However, multiple occurrences and recurrences of Critical Illnesses are common, which can impose financial burdens on patients and their families. In this regard, the Plan offers thoughtful and comprehensive protections. After the Living Benefit of first Severity Level 3 Critical Illness has been paid, the Insured will be protected from 3 subsequent Cancer occurrences and 3 subsequent Stroke or Severe Heart Attack occurrences with a benefit of 100% of the sum insured for each occurrence(up to 600% of the sum insured claims in total) 4,15 under the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases 4,12,14.
Once the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases4,12,14 has paid claims of 600% of the sum insured (i.e. 3 Cancer claims and 3 Stroke or Severe Heart Attack claims), the Plan will activate Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases5,12,14 to top up the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases4,12,14 under the Policy. Every top-up can provide 100% of the sum insured for each of the 3 subsequent Cancer and 3 subsequent Stroke or Severe Heart Attack claim (thus regain protection of 600% of the sum insured)4,5,12,14, and so. By means, this Plan will provide continuous benefits for the Insured in respect of the Severe Urban Diseases until the age of 85.
Additional benefit of 60% of the sum insured for up to the first 20 years
Additional benefit of 60% of the sum insured for up to the first 20 years
If the Insured unfortunately passes away or is diagnosed with a Severity Level 3 Critical Illness within the first 20 or the first 10 Policy Years, 60% of the sum insured will be paid as Additional Death Benefit or Additional Living Benefit12 based on the table below to ease the unexpected burden. Please refer to the At-a-Glance Table for the details of Additional Death Benefit or Additional Living Benefit12.
Issue Age |
Policy Years |
Age 20 or below |
Within the first 20 Policy Years |
Age 21 or above |
Within the first 10 Policy Years |
Fertility Preservation Benefit12,14,16 preserves future fertile opportunities
Fertility Preservation Benefit12,14,16 preserves future fertile opportunities
Surgery, medications, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for treating cancer could potentially damage the reproductive organs and fertility that result in infertility. The Plan reimburses the cost of the Insured’s medically necessary fertility preservation services within 3 years from the diagnosis of a new cancer, for the (i) related consultation; (ii) sperm or egg retrieval; and (iii) its freezing and storage for a period of up to 1 year, up to a maximum amount of 10% of the sum insured or USD12,500, whichever is lower.
Extended Protection to Spouse 6,12
Extended Protection to Spouse 6,12
If the legal spouse of the Insured is diagnosed with below covered conditions before the Policy Anniversary at which the legal spouse attains age 65, we will provide an additional benefit of 20% of the sum insured or USD 50,000, whichever is lower. This benefit is payable once only per Policy.
Covered Conditions under Extended Protection to Spouse
1. |
Advanced Dementia |
6. | Total Deafness |
2. | Severe Parkinson’s Disease | 7. | Paralysis of Two or More Limbs |
3. | Loss of One Limb and Sight of One Eye | 8. | Amputation of Feet due to Complication from Diabetes Mellitus |
4. | Loss of Two or More Limbs | 9. | Severe Burns |
5. | Total Blindness |
Extended Protection to Children7,12
Extended Protection to Children7,12
If a child of the Insured is diagnosed with below covered conditions before the Policy Anniversary at which the child attains age 18, we will provide an additional benefit of 20% of the sum insured or USD 50,000, whichever is lower. This benefit is payable once only per Policy.
Covered Conditions under Extended Protection to Children
1. | Intellectual Impairment due to Sickness and / or Accidental Bodily Injury | 6. | Total Blindness |
2. | Intensive Care Unit Confinement (5 days) with Surgery | 7. | Total Deafness |
3. | Loss of One Limb and Sight of One Eye | 8. | Paralysis of Two or More Limbs |
4. | Loss of Speech | 9. | Severe Burns |
5. | Loss of Two or More Limbs |
Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Death of Parent / Legal Guardian and Accidental Death of Spouse 11
Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Death of Parent / Legal Guardian and Accidental Death of Spouse 11
Accidents or diseases are unforeseeable. Under the following circumstances, we will pay the future premiums of the basic plan to give you extra peace of mind.
1) For Insured with issue age 17 or below, if the Insured’s father/mother or legal guardian is the Policy Owner or Contingent Policy Owner17 and dies at or before age 75, we will waive the future premium of the basic plan starting from the Policy Monthly Anniversary immediately following the date of death of the Insured’s father/mother or legal guardian.
2) For Insured with issue age 18 or above, and is the Policy Owner at the same time, if the Insured’s legal spouse dies due to an accident at or before age 75, we will waive the future premium of the basic plan starting from the Policy Monthly Anniversary immediately following the date of death of the Insured’s legal spouse.
Waiver of Premium Benefit(s) is subject to specific exclusions. Please refer to the “Key Exclusions Section” of Product Brochure and Policy Provisions for details.
Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Critical Illness11
Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Critical Illness11
Physical, mental and financial impact are inevitable when unfortunately falling ill. In view of this, all future premiums payable under the basic plan will be waived11 from the diagnosis date once a Living Benefit for Severity Level 2 or 3 Critical Illnesses is paid or payable. The Plan will continue covering the Insured until the termination of the Policy.
Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit8,12,14
Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit8,12,14
The Plan specially offers you mental health benefits (covering common conditions such as Major Depressive Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and/or Anxiety Disorders) to safeguard your mental and psychological well-being. Upon each face-to-face consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist for the Covered Mental Illnesses of the Insured, additional benefits from USD 30 to USD 225 will be paid per visit based on the sum insured. A maximum of 10 claims will be paid for each policy in total.
SEN Care Benefit 9,12,14
SEN Care Benefit 9,12,14
Before the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 18 and any Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness is paid, if the Insured is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette Syndrome; and/or has attended a special school for at least 1 academic year due to Special Educational Needs (First-in-market1) after attaining age 6, an additional 10% of the sum insured or USD 12,500, whichever is lower, will be paid. This benefit can be claimed once per policy, caring for the child’s growth and development.
“FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector - Pregnancy Baby Protection2
“FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector - Pregnancy Baby Protection2
While expecting the arrival of new life with joy, expectant parents also need to be well-prepared for the unborn babies. On this journey full of uncertainties, CTF Life plans with you all along every stage in your life. ”FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector - Pregnancy Baby Protection2 (“Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan”) is specially designed for the unborn babies. Expectant Mothers can apply the Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan for their beloved babies after 18 weeks of gestation to get the best protection for themselves and the babies as early as before live birth. The child will become the Insured of the Policy upon live birth and enjoy comprehensive protection provided by the Plan which safeguards his/her future until the termination of the Policy.
Compassionate Benefit for Pregnancy Baby2
During pregnancy, in the unfortunate events of the Expectant Mother’s Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Termination of Pregnancy, or death with the fetus, Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan will pay 105% of the Total Premiums Paid18 as Compassionate Benefit for Pregnancy Baby2 and the basic plan will be terminated immediately.
The Child will become the Insured of the Policy2 upon live birth, and we will offer the Insured the benefits under the basic plan.
Living Benefit and Additional Living Benefit |
Death Benefit and Additional Death Benefit |
Additional Benefits of “FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector - Pregnancy Baby
Additional Benefits of “FamCare 198” Critical Illness Protector - Pregnancy Baby
Furthermore, we specially offer the first-in-market1 additional benefits for the newborn babies to ease your burden in unexpected events.
(1) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Cash Benefit19
Within 28 days after live birth of the Child, if the Child is confined in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 5 consecutive days or more with the use of life support or mechanical ventilation support, we will pay from USD30 to USD250 for each day of Confinement for up to 7 days according to the sum insured.
(2) Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Maternal Death11
If the Expectant Mother unfortunately passes away during childbirth or within 42 days after live birth of the Child due to the pregnancy or childbirth, the future premium of the basic plan will be waived from the Policy Monthly Anniversary following the date of death of the Expectant Mother, and the Child will continue to be protected by the basic plan until the termination of the Policy.
Provision of Guaranteed Cash Value and Terminal Dividend 20
Provision of Guaranteed Cash Value and Terminal Dividend 20
The Plan provides Guaranteed Cash Value, together with the Terminal Dividend (if any) 20, giving you both protection and potential opportunities for wealth appreciation. The Plan can even achieve guarantee breakeven as early as the 25th Policy Anniversary21.
Terminal Dividend Lock In Option22
Terminal Dividend Lock In Option22
You may apply to exercise the Terminal Dividend Lock In Option22 to transfer part of the non-guaranteed Terminal Dividend20 to locked-in dividend22 so as to accumulate with interest (if any). The Terminal Dividend20 will become guaranteed once being transferred to locked-in dividend22. This serves as a guaranteed reserve which can be withdrawn at any time for contingent needs or in case of illness.
Flexible premium payment period to fit your financial plan
Flexible premium payment period to fit your financial plan
The Plan offers premium payment period options of 10, 15, 20 and 25 years. For policies with a 10-year premium payment period, you may choose premium prepayment23 in 1 year, 3 years or 5 years to pay up the Plan earlier at a lower cost and with interest (if any) earned on the prepaid premiums23. Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan2 offers premium payment period of 20 years. Please refer to the At-a-Glance Table for details of issue age and premium payment period.
Free Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services 24
Free Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services 24
Once enrolled in this Plan, the Insured will have access to free 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance24 for immediate support wherever he/she may be. The maximum benefit (per incident) reaches up to USD 1,000,000, including services of emergency evacuation or repatriation, delivery of mortal remains, arrangement of compassionate visit and return of children to country of residence.
1. “Most-covered-in-market”, “Earliest-in-market”, and “First-in-market” are the results of comparing same type of major Critical Illness protection products of the life insurance market in Hong Kong as of 26 February 2024.
2. The Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan is available for Expectant Mothers of at least 18 weeks of gestation. the Expectant Mother will be the Insured from the Policy issuance, and the Child under the Policy will become the Insured of the Policy upon live birth until the Policy Termination. Please provide us with Proof of live birth on or before the 14th day prior to the 1st Policy Anniversary after the live birth of the Child, or else the Policy will be terminated on the 1st Policy Anniversary. Where 2 children are born as a result of the same pregnancy, each child should be covered by 1 Policy separately. Where more than 2 children are born as a result of the same pregnancy, no policy can be issued on these children. If there is any Living Benefit paid or payable being adjusted according to Adjustment of Benefits to Child provision, we will treat it as no such adjustment has been made if there is any Living Benefit being (i) deducted from subsequent payment(s) or benefit(s) in the future; or (ii) referred for calculation of Protection Reset Benefit.
3. The maximum total amount of Living Benefit payable for each of the Juvenile Illnesses and each of the following Critical Illnesses of (i) the 2nd claim of Angioplasty under the Basic Plan of the Policy; (ii) Carcinoma in Situ (Carcinoma In Situ of the skin is excluded); (iii) Less Severe Malignancy; (iv) Osteoporosis with Fracture; (v) Pituitary Adenoma; (vi) Loss of Functionality of Key Organs; and (vii) Intensive Care Unit Confinement (3 days) under all policies of the Insured in the Company is USD50,000. The Policy covers Carcinoma in Situ in all organs except Carcinoma in Situ of the skin. Please refer to “Overview of Covered Illness Benefits” for the illnesses covered by the Plan.
4. The original coverage of Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases is 6 times, i.e. 100% of the sum insured will be paid for each of the 3 Cancer and 3 Stroke or Severe Heart Attack claim. This benefit starts covering the Insured from the first diagnosis of Severity Level 3 Critical Illness until the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 85. To claim for Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases, the Insured shall survive for at least 14 days from (and excluding) the date of such diagnosis of Cancer, Stroke or Severe Heart Attack. Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases is subject to the relevant waiting period, please refer to remark 15 and Policy Provisions for details.
5. Before the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 85, once the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases has been paid for 6 claims or multiples thereof for 3 times of Cancer and 3 times of Stroke or Severe Heart Attack, the Plan will activate the Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases to top up the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases with 6 times of claims, each top up provides 3 times of Cancer claims and 3 times of Stroke or Severe Heart Attack claims again with 100% of the sum insured payable for each claim, the number of top-ups is unlimited. For the avoidance of doubt, after the Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases is activated and topped-up the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases , the first claim of Subsequent Cancer and the first claim of Stroke or Severe Heart Attack have to follow the relevant conditions and the waiting period under the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases.
6. If the Insured is the Policy Owner, before any Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness is paid or payable or the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured’s legal spouse attains age 65 (whichever is earlier), if the Insured’s legal spouse is diagnosed with any Critical Illness covered under Extended Protection to Spouse, Extended Protection to Spouse will be paid. This is subject to the condition that the attained age of the Insured’s legal spouse is 50 or below on the later of Policy Effective Date or the date of last marriage with the Insured. The Insured and the Insured’s legal spouse must be alive when applying for the claim. This Plan will pay Extended Protection to Spouse once only. If there is more than one policy with the Extended Protection to Spouse issued on the Insured, we will only pay 1 claim in total with the aggregate claim amount limited to USD50,000. Any Critical Illness covered under Extended Protection to Spouse is subject to a 2-year waiting period except any Critical Illness resulted from injury. This benefit is subject to exclusions and pre-existing conditions, and shall not cover any Critical Illness suffered by the legal spouse of the Insured which is diagnosed in the People's Republic of China (except Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions), unless the Critical Illness is diagnosed in a Hospital of Grade 3A as classified by the government of the People's Republic of China or in a Hospital which is on the list of approved hospitals as determined by us from time to time. Please refer to the related Policy Provisions for details of Extended Protection to Spouse.
7. If the Insured is the Policy Owner, before any Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness is paid or payable or the Policy Anniversary at which the child of the Insured attained age 18 (whichever is earlier), if the Insured’s child is diagnosed with any Critical Illness or Juvenile Illness covered under Extended Protection to Children, Extended Protection to Children will be paid. The Insured and the Insured’s child must be alive when applying for the claim. This Plan will pay Extended Protection to Children once only.. If there is more than one policy with the Extended Protection to Children issued on the same Insured, we will only pay 1 claim in total with the aggregate claim amount limited to USD50,000. If there is more than one policy with the Extended Protection to Children covered the same child of the Insured, the aggregate claim amount under all such policies for each child will be limited to USD50,000. Any Critical Illness or Juvenile Illness covered under Extended Protection to Children is subject to a 60-day waiting period. This benefit is also subject to exclusions and pre-existing conditions, and shall not cover any Critical Illness or Juvenile Illness suffered by the child of the Insured which is diagnosed in the People's Republic of China (except Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions), unless the Critical Illness or Juvenile Illness is diagnosed in a Hospital of Grade 3A as classified by the government of the People's Republic of China or in a Hospital which is on the list of approved hospitals as determined by us from time to time. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for details of the Extended Protection to Children.
8. Before the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 70 and any Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness is paid (whichever is earlier), if the Insured is diagnosed with a Covered Mental Illness, 0.1% of the sum insured or USD 225 (whichever is lower) will be paid upon each face-to-face consultation with a psychologist or a psychiatrist for such Covered Mental Illness for maximum 1 face-to-face consultation per day. Online, tele-consultations and consultations in any format other than face-to-face format are excluded. If there is more than one policy with the Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit issued on the Insured, the aggregate claim amount for each consultation under all such policies of the Insured will be limited to USD 225. This benefit is subject to a 1-year waiting period. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for details of the Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit.
9. Prior to (i) the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 18; or (ii) the payment of any Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness (whichever is earlier), if the Insured is diagnosed with a Covered Special Educational Needs Condition at or after age 6, this benefit will be paid. If there is more than one policy with SEN Care Benefit issued on the same Insured, the aggregate claim amount of SEN Care Benefit paid or payable under all such policies of the Insured will be limited to USD12,500. This Benefit is subject to a 1-year waiting period. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for details of the SEN Care Benefit.
10. The aggregate total amount of Living Benefit paid or payable for Severity Level 1 and 2 Critical Illness(es) and Juvenile Illness(es) shall not exceed 100% of the sum insured. Such benefit for Severity Level 1 and 2 Critical Illness(es) and Juvenile Illness(es) will be terminated upon diagnosis of covered Severity Level 3 Critical Illness(es). Protection Reset Benefit is payable if the diagnosis date of Severity Level 3 Critical Illness or the date of death of the Insured falls immediately before the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 70 and shall be paid together with the Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness or Death Benefit for once only (up to 100% of the sum insured in total). Protection Reset Benefit is equal to the aggregate total amount of Living Benefit paid or payable for Severity Level 1 and 2 Critical Illness(es) and Juvenile Illness(es) (up to 100% of the sum insured), provided that the diagnosis date of such illnesses shall be at least 1 year apart from the diagnosis date of the Severity Level 3 Critical Illness or the date of death of the Insured.
11. You are still required to pay the premium in full irrespective of any Living Benefit paid or payable for Severity Level 1 Critical Illness(es) or Juvenile Illness(es). The premium will not be deducted until the earlier occurrence of the following circumstances: Payment of (i) Living Benefit payable for Severity Level 2 or 3 Critical Illness; or (ii) Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Accidental Death of Spouse (if applicable); or (iii) Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Death of Parent/Legal Guardian (if applicable); or (iv) Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Maternal Death (applicable to Pregnancy Baby Protection Plan), in such case as a reduction, all premium payable will be waived from the Policy Monthly Anniversary immediately after the date of the diagnosis or the date of the death (as the case may be) till the end of the Policy. For the Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Death of Parent/Legal Guardian, the issue age of the Insured shall be 17 or below, and the attained age of the Policy Owner (or Contingent Policy Owner) shall be 50 or below at the Policy Effective Date or the effective date of the change of Policy Owner or Contingent Policy Owner to such parent or legal guardian of the Insured, whichever is later. Except for death due to Injury before their age 75, the benefit is subject to a two-year waiting period (counted from the Policy Effective Date / reinstatement date / the date of change of Policy Owner or Contingent Policy Owner (whichever is the latest)) and specific exclusions. Waiver of Premium Benefit upon Maternal Death is applicable to the death of the Expectant Mother due to any cause related to or aggravated by Pregnancy or the Pregnancy’s management (excluding accidental or incidental causes) during childbirth or within 42 days of live birth of the Child. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for details of these Premium Waiver Benefits.
12. Other than Angioplasty and Carcinoma In Situ in 2 different organs which Living Benefit is payable maximum twice respectively, the Insured will not be paid upon the second diagnosis of the same Severity Level 1 or 2 Critical Illness or Juvenile Illness. If more than one Critical Illness and/or Juvenile Illness have been diagnosed in the same accident and/or illness, the Company will only pay for one Critical Illness or Juvenile Illness with the highest benefit amount payable (in the event of equal benefit amount, then any one of them will be paid). The Insured must be alive at the application of the Living Benefit, Additional Living Benefit, Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases, Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases, Fertility Preservation Benefit, SEN Care Benefit, Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit, Extended Protection to Spouse, and Extended Protection to Children. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for details.
13. The Plan will pay Living Benefit once only for one of the Critical Illnesses specified in the same designated list as set out below, and will not pay Living Benefit again for any other remaining listed Critical Illnesses:
• (i) Angioplasty; (ii) Less Severe Heart Attack; (iii) Permanent Insertion of Cardiac Defibrillator; and (iv) Permanent Insertion of Cardiac Pacemaker
• (i) Severe Hearing Loss; and (ii) Cochlear Implant.
14. The Living Benefit, Additional Living Benefit, Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases, Fertility Preservation Benefit, Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases, SEN Care Benefit, Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit, and Protection Reset Benefit shall not cover any Critical Illness/Juvenile Illness/sperm or oocyte cryopreservation/Covered Special Educational Needs Condition/Covered Mental Illness suffered by the Insured which is treated or diagnosed or undergone or certified in the People's Republic of China (except Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions), unless the Critical Illness/Juvenile Illness/sperm or oocyte cryopreservation/Covered Special Educational Needs Condition/Covered Mental Illness is treated or diagnosed or undergone or certified in a Hospital of Grade 3A as classified by the government of the People's Republic of China or in a Hospital which is on the list of approved hospitals as determined by us from time to time. For Additional Psychiatric Outpatient Benefit, the diagnosis of Covered Mental Illness shall be provided and confirmed in a psychiatry faculty of such Hospital (only applicable to non-Hong Kong residents).
15. The waiting period for the Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases is as follows:
• Subsequent to a claim from a non-Cancer Severity Level 3 Critical Illness, the Subsequent Cancer has to be diagnosed at least 1 year from the diagnosis date of the preceding Severity Level 3 Critical Illness; and
• If the Subsequent Cancer is a new Cancer that is unrelated to all the Preceding Cancer(s), the Subsequent Cancer has to be first diagnosed at least 1 year from the diagnosis date of the Preceding Cancer(s); and
• If the Subsequent Cancer is a continuation or a related Cancer of any Preceding Cancer(s), the Subsequent Cancer has to be diagnosed at least 3 years from the diagnosis date of all the Preceding Cancer(s); and
• If the Subsequent Cancer is a new Cancer diagnosed within 1 year from the diagnosis date of the Preceding Cancer(s), the subsequent Cancer must be still diagnosed at least 3 years from the diagnosis date of Preceding Cancer(s); and
• If both Subsequent Cancer (diagnosed after Insured's age 70) and the Preceding Cancer(s) are a prostate or thyroid Cancer, the Insured has to receive active treatment recommended by a Medical Practitioner during the entire period between the diagnosis dates of the Preceding and Subsequent Cancers.
• The subsequent claim on Stroke has to be diagnosed at least 1 year following the diagnosis date of the preceding Severity Level 3 Critical Illness and the claim on Stroke must be a new and separate event from any of the previous claim(s).
Severe Heart Attack:
• The subsequent claim on Severe Heart Attack has to be diagnosed at least 1 year following the diagnosis date of the preceding Severity Level 3 Critical Illness and the claim on Severe Heart Attack must be a new and separate event from any of the previous claim(s).
16. Prior to the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 85 and within 3 years from the diagnosis date of (i) a Cancer for which Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness or Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases (assuming that no benefit has ever been paid for any Cancer before under the Policy) is paid or payable; or (ii) a new Cancer that is unrelated to and caused by a different malignant cell not originated from any Preceding Cancer for which Additional Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases is paid or payable (“ Eligible Cancer”), actual relevant expenses incurred for (i) related consultation; (ii) gamete retrieval; and (iii) gamete freezing and storage for a period of up to 1 year will be reimbursed given that the sperm or oocyte cryopreservation is certified as Medically Necessary and is solely due to the Eligible Cancer or its treatment by a Medical Practitioner who is a Specialist in the relevant medical field. However, the Unlimited Top-up Benefit on Severe Urban Diseases shall not be ever activated on the first diagnosis date of such Eligible Cancer, and all the procedures must comply with the “Code of Practice on Reproductive Technology and Embryo Research” in Hong Kong or equivalent regulation of the jurisdiction where the procedures are carried out. This Benefit would only cover one Eligible Cancer and its actual relevant expenses incurred within 3 years from the diagnosis date. If there is more than one policy with Fertility Preservation Benefit issued on the Insured, the aggregate claim amount of Fertility Preservation Benefit paid or payable under all such policies of the Insured will be limited to USD 12,500.
17. Contingent Policy Owner refers to the person appointed by the Policy Owner in the application to us or on our designated form and is approved by us. Please refer to policy provisions for details about the Contingent Policy Owner.
18. Total Premiums Paid refers to the total amount of premium(s) due and paid for the basic plan of the Policy. If a request of partial surrender has been approved, the Total Premiums Paid will correspondingly be reduced on a pro rata basis by the ratio of the reduced sum insured after partial surrender to the sum insured specified in the policy specifications when the basic plan of the Policy became effective.
19. The Benefit is only applicable to the child who is born at or after 37 weeks of gestation and confined in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) within 28 days after live birth. We will pay 0.1% of the sum insured or USD250(whichever is lower) per day of Confinement. If there is more than one policy with the provisions of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Cash Benefit issued on the life of the same Insured, the aggregate claim amount of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Cash Benefit paid or payable for each day of Confinement under all such policies of the Insured will be limited to USD250 per day. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Cash Benefit shall not cover any Confinement in an NICU in the People's Republic of China (except Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions), unless the Insured is confined in the NICU of a Hospital of Grade 3A as classified by the government of the People's Republic of China or in a Hospital which is on the list of approved hospitals as determined by us from time to time (applicable to non-Hong Kong residents only).
20. Terminal Dividend is not guaranteed and will only be payable after the Policy has been in force for a minimum number of Policy Years specified. The Company will take into account the total amount of Living Benefit paid or payable and net of the excess, if any, of such total amount of Living Benefit payment over the Guaranteed Cash Value of the Policy (if any) when determining the amount of the Terminal Dividend. Newly announced Terminal Dividend is influenced by a number of factors, including but not limited to investment returns and market fluctuations, and the amount may be higher or lower than the amount previously announced. Terminal Dividend will be paid upon the earliest occurrence of the following circumstances: (i) death of the Insured; or (ii) the Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness is paid or payable; or (iii) Policy surrender; or (iv) the exercise of the Terminal Dividend Lock in Option; or (v) Policy Maturity (at the Policy Anniversary at which the Insured attains age 100 or 99 (applicable to Pregnancy Baby Protection)). We will pay the Terminal Dividend of the basic plan of the Policy in accordance with the Policy Provisions after deduction of any Indebtedness.
21. Assuming the Insured is a 35-year-old non-smoking female, applied the policy with a 25-year premium payment period and a sum insured of USD62,500, without any indebtedness, paid or payable Living Benefits, or any surrenders. The Guaranteed Cash Value of the Policy equals or exceeds the Total Premiums Paid on the 25th policy anniversary for the first time, achieving the guaranteed breakeven.
22. You may exercise the Terminal Dividend Lock-In Option by submitting a written request within 60 days before or after a Policy Anniversary. Only one transfer will be made for each written request. Once approved, your request to transfer Terminal Dividend to locked-in dividend is irrevocable. As the actual amount of transferred Terminal Dividend from the transfer will be determined after the approval of the application, the amount could be lower or higher than that at the application submission. After the transfer of Terminal Dividend, your future Terminal Dividend will be reduced accordingly. Any Terminal Dividend that has not been transferred can be increased or decreased, or even be reduced to zero. While the Policy is in force, you may request for a withdrawal of any accumulated values of the locked-in dividend by filing with us a written request. The value of the locked-in dividend will be accumulated at such interest rate declared by us from time to time. Interest rates on the locked-in dividend are not guaranteed and may even be 0% in any year. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for more details about Terminal Dividend Lock in Option.
23. The premium prepayment option is only applicable to policies with a 10-year premium payment period and an annual premium payment mode. Prepaid premium will be credited to your premium deposit account and accumulate at the then prevailing interest rate offered (the current interest rate offered is 2% per annum, but is not guaranteed). If the amount in the premium deposit account is not sufficient to pay the premium, the Policy Owner is required to make up the difference.
24. “Free Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services” are provided by the third party service provider. Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of “Free Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services” and assumes no responsibility of the services provided by the third party service provider.
25. The aggregate total amount of all Living Benefit plus (i) Maturity Benefit or (ii) Death Benefit (as the case may be) paid or payable under the basic plan shall not exceed the sum insured, except for the case that the Insured dies after there is any Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness paid or payable, the aggregate total amount of all Living Benefit plus Death Benefit under the basic plan of the Policy shall not exceed the sum insured plus USD1,000. Surrender Benefit /Maturity Benefit will not be applicable after the payment of first Living Benefit for Severity Level 3 Critical Illness.
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The above product summary is for reference only. For more details on the product, please refer to the policy terms and benefits.
If you are interested in this product, please contact your insurance consultant.