Premium Exchange Rate

Premium Exchange Rate

Latest exchange rate of foreign currencies to HK Dollar:

22 Feb 2025 1 USD 7.784519 HKD
22 Feb 2025 1 CNY 1.078764 HKD

* ONLY ACCEPT premium pay in HKD dollars or in policy currency


The exchange rates shown above for all purposes are intended for your reference only, and are quoted by CTF Life from time to time based on the prevailing foreign currency exchange rates with reference to the prevailing market benchmark rates and/or sources. CTF Life assumes no responsibility for any use of or reliance on the exchange rates shown above.

When is the premium exchange rate updated ?

The premium exchange rate is updated daily.

If I choose to pay at CTF Life Cashier Office, which day's exchange rate will be used ?

If you pay at CTF Life Cashier Office (including payment by cash, cheque, credit card, or K Dollar), the premium exchange rate will be calculated based on the exchange rate on the day of payment.

If I use electronic payment to pay, which day's exchange rate will be used ?

If you use electronic payment methods, including payment at convenience stores, PPS, telephone banking, or online payment (Hang Seng / HSBC Bank / JETCO), the exchange rate will be calculated based on the exchange rate on the day CTF Life receives the payment. Please note that it usually takes about three working days for CTF Life to receive the payment after successful payment by electronic payment methods.

For autopay from bank or credit card, which day's exchange rate will be used ?

According to the established arrangement with the bank, the company must issue an autopay file to the bank in advance and debit the bank account on the specified date (2nd/16th/25th of each month). The exchange rate will be based on the debit date and sent to the bank in advance by the company. These arrangements are as follows:

  • Bank autopay: 3 working days in advance
  • Credit card autopay: 1 working day in advance

Example: The bank autopay debit on the 16th of each month, and we will send the file to bank with the exchange rate on the 13th (assume that the 13th-15th are all working days) to the bank for debit.